Club Pathfinders Leo Halliwell
Associação Paulistana

Data shown here is the responsibility of Club director Leo Halliwell
Leo Halliwell

Leo Halliwell


  • Members 14
  • Leadership 14
  • Total 28

Club information


17/11/1968 (56 YEARS)





Main meeting


External link

Click here to access

Message to Leo Halliwell

Classification 2024

This Club was 05 Stars in: 2023, 2024

Lista de Diretores desde a Fundação
2023 - Lucas Felipe da Silva
2022 - Lucas Felipe da Silva
2021 - Lucas Felipe da Silva
2020 - Lucas Felipe da Silva
2019 - Mayco William Gomes Rolbuche
2018 - Marllon Weslley Gomes Rolbuche
2017 - Marllon Weslley Gomes Rolbuche
2016 - Lucas Felipe da Silva
2015 - Paulo Adriano de Oliveira
2014 - Paulo Adriano de Oliveira
2013 - Mayco Willian Gomes Rolbuche
2012 - Caio Vinícius Gonçalves Aguilhera
2011/07 - Caio Vinícius Gonçalves Aguilhera
2011/01 - Mayco Willian Gomes Rolbuche
2010 - Mayco Willian Gomes Rolbuche
2009 - Rosa Maria Gomes Rolbuche
2008 - Rosa Maria Gomes Rolbuche
2007 - Rosa Maria Gomes Rolbuche
2006 - Rosa Maria Gomes Rolbuche
2005 - Rosa Maria Gomes Rolbuche
2004 - Rosa Maria Gomes Rolbuche
2003 - Rosa Maria Gomes Rolbuche
2002 - Jéferson Reis
2001 - Rogério Borges
1999 - Rogério Borges
1998 - Rogério Borges
1997/07 - Antônio Narcelo
1997/01 - Antônio Alencar
1996 - Cassiano Zedan
1995 - Eglie Rodrigues
1994 - Antônio Alencar
1993 - Eglie Rodrigues
1992 - Márcio de Almeida
1991 - Saulo Vicente Nunes Caetano
1990 - Saulo Vicente Nunes Caetano
1989 - Sidney Almeida
1988 - Sidney Almeida
1987 - Wilma Braga
1986 - Wilma Braga
1985 - Wilma Braga
1984 - Wilma Braga
1983 - Wilma Braga
1982 - Gélson Almeida Júnior
1981/05 - Gélson Almeida Júnior
1981/01 - Celso Pontes
1980 - Nilton Oliveira
1979/07 - Nilton Oliveira
1979/01 - Joel Pavão
1978/09 - Nilton Oliveira
1978/03 - Manoel Arruda
1978/01 - Sylvio Guimarães Ramos
1977 - Wilma Braga
1976 - Rafael Gandiano Júnior
1975 - Rafael Gandiano Júnior
1974 - Mauro Henrique dos Santos
1973 - Mauro Henrique dos Santos
1972 - ???
1971 - ???
1970 - ???
1969 - ???
1968 - ???

17/11/1968 - Fundação do Clube
Clube sem membros desabilitado por inatividade em 60 dias/Club sin miembros deshabilitado por inactividad en 60 días

Available Pre-Registration

The Club registration key (a 5-digit password) is required to start your pre-registration for membership in this Club.. If you do not have the key, please contact the Club directly

Contact e-mail:

Complete the data to get started

Remember that the member must be of full age by the 30/06th of the year in which he/she will participate

(Code provided by the Club to validate)

(Member who will participate in the Club)

(Member who will participate in the Club)